With a wide variety of flowers, both wild and cultivated, Natural Surroundings is a great place to explore with a camera. Our beautiful setting, alongside the River Glaven as it cuts through the hills, lumps and bumps left behind by the last Ice Age, adds to the opportunities. And with a fantastic variety of wildlife, from masses of birds at our feeders to a myriad of insects and other invertebrates, and you have enough material to keep the camera busy for days on end.


White-letter Hairstreak

Norfolk Hawker

Horned Rampion

Long-winged Conehead

Six-belted Clearwing

Wool Carder Bee


Carnival Candy

Herb Paris

Winter Aconite in the snow

Banded General
Commercial Photography
Please note that we are happy for images taken at Natural Surroundings to be used on blogs and social media, but photographs and videos can only be used for commercial purposes with our express written permission.