New Year Plant Hunt 2023: Monday 2nd January
We enjoyed a pleasant stroll around the gardens and then down to Glandford on a glorious winter’s day in lovely mild weather. The very hard frosts – down to minus 8 degrees celcius – before Christmas had, however, put paid to many of the late-flowering species that we would normally see. Nevertheless we enjoyed 30 species in bloom, but it was a salutory reminder of what ‘real’ winter weather can do, and an indication of the effects of global warming when compared to recent winters when we have often accumulated a list of twice as many species
Common Fumitory
Small Nettle
Sun Spurge
Petty Spurge
Dog’s Mercury
Annual Mercury
Field Pansy
Viola x comptempta
Wild Radish
Field Pennycress
Shepherd’s Purse
Hairy Bittercress
Common Chickweed
Sticky Mouse-ear
Common Field Speedwell
Grey Field Speedwell
Ivy-leaved Toadflax
Red Dead-nettle
Cut-leaved Dead-nettle
Scentless Mayweed
Winter Heliotrope
Blue Flebane
Annual Meadow-grass